"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalms 37:4

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." Walt Disney

Sunday, September 18, 2011

It Really is the Little Things in Life

Today, I have been sitting at a coffee shop ignoring all responsibilities that have been put on my plate today. As we are sitting here all of a sudden my friend says, "it's the little things in life," and we all got talking about how the little things from day to day are the things that matter and make a person's day awesome or not so awesome. This statement is so true, a word that someone says to you can hurt and ruin your day or it can make a once horrible day better. Not even the words of a friend but the words of a stranger. This got me to thinking, how often do we not think about the little things that we do or say and how we effect the people around us? What are we doing as a society to support and love one another? Yes, they are just words but as people living in a world together connected by so many different things do you not think we should be loving and supportive of one another and building each other up? How better would your day be if someone you do not know took the time to be a little more considerate of you and what you have going on, they looked at the little things. So, for me and my thought today, I will choose to be a little thing that brightens someone's day rather than tear it down. And what about you? What will you choose, to tear someone down or to brighten their day a little? I ask you to think about it and to at least for one day try to do it a little different and see what a difference it make. Love, peace and grace to you all and know that you are loved by the God Most High.

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