"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalms 37:4

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." Walt Disney

Monday, October 5, 2009

What Can I say about her....

Ok so I have to write this and tell you about the greatest person I know. She is my soulmate in the way as life is better with her and she knows me better than anyone. The thoughts I have in my head that I am about ot tell her she already is planning in hers and she always brightens your day. Nicole is my best friend has been for years now and probably always will be. We are so close my Stuart and her Josh both knew that pretty much we are obsessed with each other. She is the only person I can be honest with and she will never have a problem being honest with me. And thats why I love her. We think so much a like sometimes it is a little scary. Like one night we decided to take a random trip to the beach at 11pm because it was just on both of our minds.... We slept in a lifeguard stand when we got there after about 2 hours of talking and then drove home. We also took a random trip to Boone once, that trip we dont talk about as much because that wasnt a smart one... we left the day before christmas eve and returned on christmas eve. She is my jelly to peanut butter, and the best person to have around... She is no means perfect and for that I love her because she is the first to admit it.We fight and boy do we fight but we are still obsessed with one another, its really funny. Even if it is a ten minute hang out we do and we laugh every minute. For all of you that have be able to meet this girl she is the real deal and you are blessed to know her, let me tell you she is the only one who has stuck by me through all the pains I have been through. That is a true friend. She is always there even if I dont say anything she just knows. That sometimes sucks because I dont get away with things. She pushes people to do thier best and always hopes for thebest for them. She is completely indiscisive at times and it makes me laugh but she gets there sooner or later. She plans on moving to NY someday and we have already set up a plan to make sure we see each other on a regular basis. I dont know words just arent enough to describe her and how awesome of a friend she is. When I was having my worst days after my dad passed away she showed up at my job out of the blue with a goodie bag for me just to make me smile... How often do you find a friend like that? So what I am saying is count your blessings and if you know her count her as a major one because the person who writes on her blog is real and she is even better in person that what she writes.


  1. you, my friend, suck. haha thanks for making me tear up!! but seriously, you mean the world to me and you know that. love you oh so much. :)
